all i can suggest is to not look at any of it& maybe watch a video on your phone while they do your bloods. that’s what i did. first time id ever had my bloods done xx
I was the same way a few years ago, just make sure you have something to eat before (if able) and have something sweet after should help a little, I always ask the nurse to pinch me 😂 “never hurts more than a pinch” that way I don’t panic then after the pinch I look away or close my eyes and focus on my breathing (especially if I’m feeling faint) just take it easy and obviously tell them before hand they may even lay you on the bed to be on the safe side xx
drink lots of water before :)
Ask your midwife about maternity mental health sessions. My friend has a needle phobia but is having a C-section and the NHS have provided some sessions focused on maternal mental health - think hers were 12-2pm during the week (seemed to be around the same time she did her NCT so might be something they arrange for further down the line) but definitely worth asking about if that’s something you feel anxious about x