@Gemma to number 2? He gets frustrated with them ones 😤
Yeh you don’t really need to change teat sizes- the increase of milk flow makes it harder for the tongue and swallow pattern of the baby to catch up. Might be worth looking at feeding positions too :)
@Gemma okay thank you, we sit him up and pace feed to help with his reflux x
I'd drop back down and change positions as Gemma said too
Get a packet of X teats and try them, my LB is on that size, I seen on tiktok that they can control the flow on the X teat where 3 just pours out
@Becca I have already tried this and it’s still coming out the side of his mouth 😩
If he is finishing his bottles on the 2 teat and not getting tired on it then put the 2s back on then
Try sitting him up and oace feeding him. He needs to be able yo cobtrol the flow
My baby had the same problem from the beginning with mam bottles and laniosh no matter what size teats, I tried them all I thought she had a latching problem I changed to avent Philips natural flow bottles and havent had a problem since. I thought she was such a big eater but it turns out most of the bottle was ending up on the bib and burb cloth.
Milk should never pour out of their mouths - it’s an indication they cannot manipulate the milk flow properly (sometimes also an indication of tongue tie). If he is struggling with 2 but it’s pouring out with size 3 I would stick with size 2. He needs to strengthen his tongue and suck. Also, if you feed him elevated side lying it helps him to regulate the flow himself (and helps with reflux).
I’d drop back down x