I have an appointment with gp tomorrow just asking to see if there’s anything I can try until then
Are they teething?
If bubba doesn’t have any bottles within 12 hours you need to go to the hospital, they could just be teething or feeling abit unwell. X
My LO has had bronchiolitis, started about 3 weeks ago and he still has a lingering cough. (Plus teething on top😭) He massively cut down his eating to the point I've had him to A&E and doctors on multiple occasions. Hes gone from having 7oz bottles/35oz a day, I'm now lucky to get him to have even 12-15oz a day. He will only have 2-3oz per bottle and seems to have no appetite for it. He's also started to refuse his bottle. I was reading about something last night called Bottle/Feeding Aversion. I thought it was just a newborn thing or transitioning from breast to bottle, but apparently it can happen any time - where if they experience anything unpleasant such as pain/reflux/stomach issues etc, plus constant pressure we give them to feed can cause them to associate negativity with the bottle/food. In my son's case, he struggled eating while he was poorly due to congestion and sore throat, plus his teething gums. So I believe he started to associate his bottles with the pain it was causing...
(it may not be what you're experiencing but just thought I'd share incase it helps at all) - definitely do seek medical advice though incase there's underlying issues or anything causing pain
I think medical advice should be sought rather than advice on here if your child isn’t eating at all x