How do I start combi feeding?

I’m EBF, but baby has had a bottle of formula here and there if I’ve had a few glasses of wine (maybe 3 since he’s been born) I’m happy EBF atm but I think it would be good for my husband and toddler if I was more available. What times of day do you use bottle vs boob? Do I start with 1 feed a day? It’s hard cos my baby feeds on demand really so don’t know how that translates to bottle feeds. I don’t want to pump Thank you xxx
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Definitely keep breast feeding at night, easier than making a bottle 🤗

I combi feed and usually give my formula before bedtime as it seems to help my baby go off to sleep better and gives me a chance to get a bit of sleep before bf at night😊 I started with 1 feed and just made up a bottle with what was recommended on the formula tub and let her drink what she wanted from that x

Just to let you know you can have a drink and breastfeed. The pump and dump advice is outdated, you blood alcohol level is the same as the level of alcohol in your milk so if you’re having a glass of wine this would be minimal, less than an orange juice x

@Portia I don't understand, how does a glass of wine has less alcohol than an orange juice? Could you please point to research done? Thanks

@Ana sorry I obviously didn’t write this very clearly, what I’m saying is that you’d have to drink a significant amount for your breast milk to contain even the trace amounts that is present in orange juice. I’m not saying binge drinking or even drinking multiple drinks in one sitting is ok. Im saying that one glass of wine, especially when accompanied with food is unlikely to be problematic. But of course you have to do what you feel comfortable with

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