
My little one is obsessed in milk & I’m really struggling to wean her off, she won’t go to sleep without a bottle, so she isn’t eating much at all. Probably a couple of spoonfuls of breakfast/ lunch/ tea and has crisps and fruit but other than that eats nothing. I would say she’s consuming 500 calories food alone & the rest is off her milk! I’m quite worried actually so any tips would be great !! Xx
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I honestly think 500 calories in generous, she isn’t losing any weight but I don’t know how to wean her off without going complete cold turkey xx

How many bottles is she doing a day?

@Lee her mid day nap & then before bed x

Honestly I wouldn’t stress too much. Mine still has two bottles the same as yours. I do water them down a bit though (half water). Won’t be having bottles forever and it’s easier to stop when they are older

My son is still on 2 bottles a day! We have our morning bottle and bedtime bottle. Unsure when to wean him off these but he still really wants them so I’m not too bothered about taking him off it just yet xx

I totally wrote half my reply and then I guess got distracted by my LO. Defo don’t stress about two bottles! In my group of NCT mums where all our babies were born in May or June, literally ALL of them (10) are having two bottles of milk a day. Actually one is also still waking up a few times a night and having more. So I don’t think your LO is obsessed with milk. For the eating has it always been that way? Could be a stage, could be teething but essentially as long as she isn’t loses significant weight, just trust her that she knows what she needs x

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