How much are you babies drinking?

My little girl is 2 months old and is on 6oz of the hungry baby formula is this normal? My friends is making me feeling so guilty about it and I now feel like I’m over feeding her, but I only feed her when she’s hungry.
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My little one is 10 weeks old and he drinks 7 ounces and I feel like that’s too much for him but he drinks every bit of his bottle. He sometimes needs a top up of an ounce or 2. We tried the hungry baby milk with him but it gave him a sore belly so just put him back to his normal milk

That sounds about right. According to my lactation nurse from our last visits my son takes about 4oz from a breast and then I pace feed him 2-3oz of pumped milk right after so that’s about 6-7oz a feed

@Anna yeah my little girl drinks all of her bottle I just have mom guilt so bad cause my friends saying she shouldn’t be on that much and I’m over feeding her

My 11 week old boy is on 6oz every 2-3hours x

I get that. My mother in law says my little one is having too much and if he’s still hungry after his bottle she tells me not to give him more as I’ll be over feeding him. But it doesn’t matter how much he drinks. He doesn’t seem like he’s full.

@Anna don’t listen to her if baby is hungry feed him 💙

Mine is 8w too and is drinking 3onces every tonhourss and at night every 3or 4hours. But i am pumping and give breastmik, i heard they need less than formula

Thank you everyone I feel so much better now! X

My 11 week old girl is having 5oz every 2-3 hours throughout the day, I wouldn’t worry about it. As long as baby is happy and fed, it’s no one’s business how much you feed your baby :) xx

I think if baby do not show any symptoms of overfeeding like frequent spit up, gassiness-bloating, etc then it should be fine. Sometimes baby tends to overfeed so it gets bit tricky. My LO when she was just a week old was already taking 3 -4 ounce and even after that it appeared she could take more. My daughter’s pediatrician asked us to stop after 2 ounce as she showed symptoms of being overfed. Also may be check once with her pediatrician for guidance.

My son is 9 weeks, and he drinks 3 to 4 oz every 3 hours. On similac pro advanced formula.

What is your babies grand total of oz in 24 hours? My 12 week old takes about 4 oz every 3 hours and 6 oz ar bedtime and then 5 for the first overnight feed and 4 for the second.

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