Does a hysteroscopy hurt?

And do I actually need it before a transfer??
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Hi! I had a hysteroscopy January of this year and my FET in April. No, the hysteroscopy did not hurt at all. They prescribed some heavy pain meds that I did not fill. (Didn’t take Tylenol or anything either). Its a very non invasive procedure, but some do have some cramping after. For me, it was needed before my transfer as I had endometrial adhesions that could have impaired implantation. Now, it is a surgical procedure that of course carries risk and $$, but I do believe it helped me have success.

I also had hysteroscopy which I needed to remove polyps prior to transfer. I then had a successful transfer. I did have some discomfort for few days after but I believe this was due to the removal of the polyp not the hysteroscopy it's self. If there is a reason why you need it I would definitely have it. X

It hurt for me (feels like very bad cramps) during bits of the procedure when he was trying to extract the polyp or some samples, I went for an outpatient hysteroscopy. It didn't hurt once the procedure was completed. I would recommend doing it under sedation. Not sure if you need it if there's no mention you should do it. Usually a saline sonography may be recommended as a first step if it's for diagnostic, unless there is something to remove.

@Sabrina ah yes that’s a helpful point! Mine was under anesthesia (mainly because the SHG had shown the adhesions so it wasn’t exploratory) but I imagine you would definitely have cramping during the procedure if not sedated.

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