Same I had the call around 4pm same day when I first had it. Luckily no GD this time!
I emailed a week later asking for my results just to confirm all was ok. But I think if you did have it they'd call that day or next day usually because they have to discuss how to manage it
They said if I hadn’t heard from them the next day, it was good news. They called me at 5.30pm! I had just had a mini celebration 😭😭
I’ve had mine about 3 weeks ago and I’m still waiting for a call lol, I have a midwife appointment on Saturday I’m going to ask but I’ve also heard no news is good news
Yep, no news is good news. My trust said they'd call within a few hours if it was positive. I had a midwife appointment a few days later and I asked her to check as the results didn't come up in badger
I had the phone call a few hours after taking the test that i ad gd x