I got the epidural, it didn't really hurt for me. I felt pain in my left leg when they were putting it in. and then they had to use alot of the epidural thingy to get me numb and then after 5-6 hours it failed and I felt everything. Yay ✨️
The epidural was amazing for me. I have chronic health problems and the epidural allowed me to take a nap and get a break before having to push. I was also still able to feel when I was contracting so I knew when I needed to push.
I had 2 home births and wouldn’t trade my birth experiences for anything. They were beyond empowering. There’s nothing wrong with getting an epidural (though you should do your homework and know they increase your likelihood of a cesarean and other interventions), but I feel strongly that childbirth education is paramount to having a positive epidural free birth. Having the tools and education to know your body was made to birth your babe. Highly recommend the podcast “birth kweens” specifically the episode called “epidural-sode”, for all the info 💜 Wishing you a beautiful birth whatever you choose
Got the epidural at 7cm when I arrived at the hospital. I labored at home for 5 days and I was tired. I had zero intentions of getting it. I couldn’t take the pressure in my ass anymore. It was so annoying. I got the epidural and slept for 2 hrs and then my baby was born within 20 mins of them waking me up lol
I didn't want the epidural, but after 30 hours of labor, 12 hours stalled at 5cm, my doctor said it was the best move to get my body to relax enough to continue dilating and avoid an emergency cesarean. They failed to place it 4 times but got it on the 5th, and I later found out it was because I have scoliosis and degenerative disc disease, and I'm just really difficult to give an epidural. It worked beautifully for me, and I fell asleep, and the nurse came in and rotated me every so often. 6 hours later I woke up and the nurse came in and I said "I'm feeling a little pressure. I think I'm ready to push." And she looked and I was crowning 😅 I pushed for 18 minutes, no tears. My only regret is not getting it sooner.
@Amelia hypnobirthing??
@Allison wow 5 tries is crazy! I wish I felt nothing for mine 😂
I had epidural for both my deliveries and it was a different experience for both. Maybe research alternatives and un medicated deliveries.
I had one with and one without. Let me tell you if I have another I will 100% get the epidural as soon as I arrive 😆. It was such a game changer for me - was able to rest and enjoy the labouring process. I’m terrified of needles but honestly I didn’t even feel it go in, at that point my contractions were extremely painful so it didn’t matter.
Epidural my last 2 births and will again this time around.
@Kayla did it actually help? I don’t really think mine did
@Laurel for me yes, I didn’t even feel the contractions when they were happening and if I did it was like a mild pressure - no pain. I know everyone is different though!
I didn't get it and it was definitely difficult. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat so 😉
With my first, I was induced (unplanned) and I gave birth via vaginal with no epidural. The pain was intense but I managed to push through the pain 😅 I’m pregnant with baby #2 due in December and I’m aiming for no epidural again.
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The epidural was a lifesaver for me my little girl got her shoulder stuck I tore pretty badly had to get stitched up but with the epidural I didn’t feel a thing
Im due in January with my first and I can’t bare the thought of having a needle in my back ! Ill be asking for gas and air and a pethidine injection with a water birth 🤞🤞
Both my births I had the epidural with! My first I got it at 5cm with no rush and only got it as I wasn’t progressing well and needed the hormone drip. The anaesthesiologist was also going into an emergency c-section and didn’t know how long they’d be. Ended up with an episiotomy and forceps delivery as he wouldn’t progress. His labour was 21 hours in total from active labour - birth / placenta delivered. I felt NOTHING the whole time and was completely numb. For my little girl, I got it at 3cm as my contractions felt like they were back to back and I was in so much pain. Her birth was 2 hours exactly. I went from 5cm to 10cm in an hour and 24 mins and then pushed her out in 27 mins without tearing at all. I just remember feeling uncomfy when I was 10cm and that’s it xx
@Amelia thanks for sharing! This is is reassuring, inspiring and exciting! I've read books about hypnobirthing and did a course as well. I'm planning to do the same as you. I'm a little nervous wondering if I'm being delusional but I'm so looking forward to giving birth. My only fear is tearing 😭🙈 but again I'll do everything I can to prevent it as much as possible.
I was terrified to get the epidural. I had back pain labor pain too, and front. Got the epidural around 5-6 cm. The pain of it going in hurt worse than the contraction pain, but it literally only lasted a few seconds. An hour later, I was feeling nothing. Only felt a little bit of pressure while pushing( only pushed for about 20 mins). I did tear a little, and it only felt like a like pinch/sting when they were stitching me up.