@Caitlin yes my baby been taking the same, 4 oz she’s been on it even before her month but throws up. My aunt just told me that she throws up because she’s too full and 4 oz is so much for her. But I’m wondering if that is really accurate or not ? Like she said “she threw up what didn’t fit in her stomach anymore that’s why she pukes because it’s too much for her” but the Dr never told me that. 🤔
@Karina that can be the case sometimes, but babies don’t have a strong pylorus sphincter which is the part that holds all the gastric liquid in the stomach. Since it’s not strong it allows food to come back up very easily. This can sometimes cause reflux and stuff. You can sit her up right for a while after feeding and make sure nothing is pushing on her tummy
@Alisa yeah which I don’t believe it’s the case because she’s actually thrown up since the day she was born. So it’s really nothing new. I don’t actually think I’m over feeding her, I know my baby. And she’s gaining and not losing which is good. Also, she spits up too so it could honestly be the reflux that makes her throw up after feeds and after burping her in between as well.
My first baby was soooo refluxy until she was about 1year old. No matter what amount I gave her she would still spit up so I don’t that the amount have anything to do with it. You’re doing great
I wonder about this every time that I feed my son. He’s been a good eater from the start and he has been taking 4oz since my milk came in. Sometimes more if I see that he still hungry. Plus he doesn’t spit up all the time just once in a while. Last night he had almost 7oz and I was shocked 😂 however he slept like an angel
My 5 week old drinks 24 oz or more a day. She is feeding constantly
My boy is about to be 7 weeks and only recently started spitting up his milk. His base amount is 4oz a feed but sometimes he can drink 6-8 over a 3 hour period when he's cluster feeding.
My 5 week old averages about 4oz a feeding but can take as much as 6. Sometimes he spits up but he’s been taking a lot since 3 weeks
my 7 week old eats 4oz every 2.5-3 hours. he also has bad reflux. was born at 5.5lbs but is definitely catching up
Formula or Breastmilk?
Close to a month’s 2-3.5 oz
My 7 week old baby is eating 4oz when he gets a bottle of breast milk.
whenever she takes a bottle (1-2x/day) she takes 4-6.5oz of expressed breastmilk. she usually nurses and whenever I pump to replace the feed she gets a bottle for, I get between 6-10oz emptying both sides and she usually only feeds from one side per feed
He just started at 5oz yesterday
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@Jess That’s what my son did. 4oz starting at 4 weeks and we’re still at 4
My 7 week old has 5 Oz he's 8lb3 and still wants more after
3-3.50 oz per bottle
She's 1 month & taking 4-6oz (including 1 oz pumped or cluster feeding). We've been trying to add more burp breaks cuz the spitting up is guaranteed 🙄 also I've loosened her diaper... feed upright... literally anything I could think of to try to avoid it.
7 weeks we are at 4oz. Thinking about upping it to 4.5oz or even 5oz cause they still are wanting to eat every hour and a half or two hours
It’s hard to tell since we breastfeed but when I pump for 15 mins I usually pump about 5 oz so I assume that’s around what he eats too (mine’s 5 weeks)
@Alisa thanks girl 🫶🏼
@Larissa yesss my baby be having up to 6 oz or 8 in less than 3 hours because she does stay hungry and cry so ofc I am going to feed her what she wants 😂
@Alyssa doesn’t wait the three hours mark ?
@Leslie yup exactly with my baby up to 6-8 before that 3 hour period because of cluster feeding but she definitely cries and gulps like she has never ate before in her life
@Jordan awe how much does he weight now ?
@Kayla but he doesn’t throw up ?
@Shelley fórmula
@Chloe how old Is he ?
@maria my baby is at 4 still wants more after so I do give more
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@(See-mo-nay) has it helped any ? I’ve tried that too but it’s like somewhat helpful but also not really
@Stephenie girl same with my baby 🤣
@Kimberly yeah could honestly be around that same amount and you feed both boobs that one time or one ?
It is about every 2 hours or even every 1.5 hours. Now that I am mostly pumping and feeding with a bottle. When I was nursing she would feed for over an hour and be off for maybe 30 min and want to feed again. I couldn't handle it anymore because I also have 13 month old and was getting zero sleep so I switch to pumping.
@Alyssa that’s good seems better for you now!!
@Karina i think he weighs somewhere around 8-9lbs he’s catching up 🤣 but i won’t know until the 4th. I love how excited we get to see how much they gain 😅
@Karina I always make him do both lol so I’m thinking that’s roughly the amount then. Man I must have a hungry one!
@Jordan yesss I get soo excited too, what’s the upcoming visit for ?
@Karina a weight check, since he was born so little they want to make sure he’s gaining on time
@Kimberly awe that’s good tho!!
My one month old take about 4 ozs
@Karina very rarely, he mainly spits up a little a few hours after if anything. Or spit up a little when burping but nothing crazy! He’s just a hungry boy lol.
@Karina it's only been a couple (inconsistent) days with the probiotic, but it's gradually getting better than it was. Giving the gas drops before a feeding seems to be a game changer tho 😣🤞🏾
@Kayla aww I bet he’s the cutest 🥹
@(See-mo-nay) what drops are they ?
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My girl eats anywhere for 3-5 oz in one sitting it’s crazy she is almost 5 weeks old and eating like a champ. But she’s eating me out of the house and my breast milk isn’t enough at this moment and formula is EXPENSIVE
@Heaven very expensive because we use formula too.
Im wondering the same question! My baby is 7 weeks about to be 8 weeks on Friday and he’s taking 4 oz bottles but eating on average 28 oz a day