Baby swim, baby sensory, baby massage
@Alexandra is there a specific baby massage you would recommend?
@Laurel there’s baby massage classes in our area :) mama baby bliss do lots. You can see if they have courses in your area too :)
Sing and sign definitely best thing I did for my little boy!
@Laurel the health visiting team are offering baby massage now as part of their service so it’s free :)
Music classes, baby gymnastics, swimming, play cafes, long walks (maybe not while it's this cold!), mum and baby gym classes, story time/rhyme time at your local library, play dates with other mums. I had a group of mum friends from my NCT classes and we'd meet weekly at a local community centre during/after the HV hub. We'd weigh the babies when needed or ask the HV questions if we had any but it was mostly a good excuse to meet up :)