Too much food?
I am finding weaning a bit of a minefield. Baby is on 3 meals per day, a snack and 3 7oz bottles which I was told is perfect and recommended at his recent review. He’s 7 and a half months, a big boy (9 5 at birth) and loves his food. I didn’t get him weighed at his review but the nurse said looking at him she wouldn’t be one bit concerned about his weight. He isn’t chunky, has no rolls, very active when awake just a cute wee belly! But she did say about portions the size of his fist and I feel he eats more than that. In the morning he will have a good bowl of ready brek with fruit mashed in, lunch is usually eggs or toast etc and I would also mash some fruit alongside it and then he might have a couple of melty sticks and then for dinner he might have mince and potatoes but again a good big portion and he devours every last bit! Snack is usually a wee custard! Does this sound ok or should I be cutting his portion sizes?
I've always been told to go by the baby, the baby will tell you when they are full. My LG is on 3 meals a day and will have snacks alongside meals. Breakfast is wither eggs or 1 weetabix with mixed fruit and she will demolish it. Lunch and dinner are abit hit and miss usually she just plays with it if it's not pureed. If your worries speak to the HV again for advice, sorry I haven't got much advice