Wouldn’t decide now and tell them so they have all your notes ready for when you arrive
Bless you definitely make a formal complaint about your experience, you should be supported not belittled. I think give as much notice as possible just so they have you on their records. When is your next appointment? I would just tell them then so it’s out the way and you’ll stop worrying xx
I’d tell them asap my named hospital I’ve chosen falls under a different trust and it’s been a bit of a pain for appointments and stuff so I’m glad I said from early stage x
I swapped hospitals at about 24 weeks last time but that was due to an address change. At the end of the day I think you can give birth anywhere that you show up to as I’m in Cornwall for a week in December, 36 weeks and I’ve been given the address and info for the local maternity unit there in case I go into labour whilst we are away xx