I'm 40 weeks 4 days today and not having any contractions yet! This is my 2nd pregnancy and it's going later than my 1st which to me is surprising. My midwife said boys tend to take their time compared to girls.. I'm also getting impatient but today I'm going to plan to do some stairs and curb side walking! So far I've lost some mucus plug
Have you done a membrane sweep? Do you know if you're dilated yet?
@Megan my induction date is yet to be confirmed, but most likely I will get a call from the hospital to come for the induction on Sunday. It’s so frustrating when things don’t go as planned. Sigh. 😔 I hope it happens for you naturally
@Aalia aww! Congratulations on your baby boy. Guess these boys love their moms too much. I’ve done lots of walking, raspberry leaf tea and two membrane sweeps to induce labor , but my cervix is still posterior. Had some spotting yesterday after the membrane sweep but no signs of contractions. Sending you all the best wishes for a natural labor
Thank you! Yeah same I've gotten 2 done and had spotting after the 2nd one. Hoping we both start having contractions today!! Let's incorporate some more physical activities in our day and hope for the best 😅
Ive only had one membrane sweep and no more doctors appointments! Hopefully the one will do the trick🤞🏼
Let’s hope it goes well for us this coming week. I’m getting one more sweep tomorrow
Hi!! Sorry you feeling so anxious! I had the same when she was not there on the Due date yet and that date my cervix wasn't ripe enough for a membrane sweep as well. That was this Tuesday 26 November. Just know it can change very quick, cause I gave birth yesterday to our little girl! Best advice I can give is try to distract yourself and plan stuff (its easier to cancel plans than to make them lol). Hope all goes well for you!!
@Suzanne I also gave birth to my little boy yesterday!!
@Aalia congratulations!! I ended up getting a second sweep so hoping for the best 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
@Megan thank you!! I recommend doing lots of walks and stretches right after the sweep. I made my last walk super exaggerated by swaying my hips side to side (my husband would even hold my hips and move it) and that brought on contractions like no tomorrow!! Immediately went to the hospital after
@Aalia congrats mama! I’m booked for my induction today. Wish me luck
@Amanda aww good luck! You got this 💪🏼so close to meeting little babe!
Good luck!!!
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@Megan good luck to you as well! You’ll be holding your baby very soon.
@Amanda any update??
@Megan any update?
@Aalia I had my baby on the 1st of December. The induction was so intense for me, I started getting active labor like cramps , 2 hours into the induction. They put me on the NST monitor and the baby was in distress every time I got contractions. The doctors decided to do a c section since the baby’s heart rate was erratic. He’s here, happy and healthy. We are so grateful 🥹.
Im in the exact same position! 40 weeks and 5 days today… trying not to go stir crazy. My partner is so positive it will happen naturally but my doctor set up an induction date for next week :( sad that my birth plan may not be possiblee