Feeling really sad and discouraged

I went to the baby club at the Everyman cinema this morning and I literally feel like crying. It was full of younger babies and newborns and my little one was there being a right old brat. She was tired but wasn't sleeping and if she did it would be for 2 minutes and then she would start screaming again. She was trying to climb over to the chair next to us and I could see in the other mum's face that she was fully judging me even though her baby and mine were laughing at each other at one point... but her face was firm and pissed off like she hated that my baby was anywhere near hers. I loved that cinema when I first went and finally got a day off work to be able to go again and I feel like it's been the worst day ever. My baby is hardly ever bratty like that and she always goes to sleep easily when she's tired so I don't know what's up with her today, but I just feel so upset and I have no one to talk to 😭
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there needs to be a mindset and perspective shift here, no child is a “brat” and should never be called one, regardless of their age or behaviour. society has found a great way of consciously and subconsciously making parents think their babies / children should be easy going and amazingly behaved from the get go. a childs job is to be a child, their job is to explore the world, their boundaries, their needs, and their environment, to hear their own voice at different volumes, to see what has impacts and what doesn’t etc. you walked into that environment and expected your child to match your expectations, when she didn’t, that stressed you. now cue the domino effect of overwhelming emotions. you shouldn’t worry about another parents judgement, parenting isn’t a smooth journey for anyone, no child or baby will have wonderful consistent behaviour, just like us as adults don’t wake up feeling great everyday. you’ve got this mama. it’s part of the journey.

@Anisha ♡ it's not like I had the highest expectations for her, I know she's a fidget and would have most likely spend the whole time climbing around like a maniac... I just really didn't expect her to be screaming and kicking off like as if she was being tortured because I was trying to feed her to sleep... which is what she wanted me to do because she kept headbutting for breast, but she wouldn't take it 😭 I was so stressed out because I just didn't know what to do, I have no clue why she was so bothered

I was going to say similar to the above, I wouldn’t say that it sounded like your child was being a brat, she could not be feeling well, she could have found the situation a bit overwhelming, she could have just not been in the mood? I think we judge our children’s behaviour too much sometimes, they’re only little people trying to manage some big emotions and who cares what the judgy other mums think, we’ve all been there

Parent here called her baby a brat.. its not deep? So silly! I dont judge you at all ❤️❤️ I have felt judged before too due to when my baby isnt in the mood to be out ect! I think its probably more so how we feel inside, slight embarrassment and we know that its silly but its natural to feel that way! Dont be discouraged and try it again another day when you can❤️❤️

@Becky I guess I'm just using that word cause that's what my partner calls her 🤦‍♀️

I call my baby a little brat and a little whinge bag! I say she is my little whinge bag all the time🤣 You clearly love your baby.. its not deep honestly don’t justify yourself to strangers on here, you’ve had a shit day! Tomorrows a new day❤️

@Becky thank you, I really need that 😭😭❤️

Could be that she was over stimulated, tired or not feeling herself. My son usually just falls asleep in his pram but I noticed (even though he is only 3 months old) that he hates noisy crowded places, he will cry and once we leave he will be fine.

Ohh I say my child’s been a whinge arse if she’s moaned most of the day. I wouldn’t ever judge another parent in a cinema which offers children to be there. I think if you go to something like that and expect to watch a film in peace then that’s on them. Don’t let it put you off. X

@Becky I call mine a whinge bag too or a grouchy git 🤣 It's really not that deep haha x

I hated mum and baby groups as I found everyone to be really judgemental. It's horrible but honestly don't let it upset you or discourage you from going again. You said other there were younger that your daughter so they've got it all to come yet 🤣 I don't think you need to be shamed for calling your little one a brat, I'm pretty sure we've all called our little ones something as some point in certain situations x

@Kath I feel like mothers should be more helpful, like there was this one mother who was shocked at how much I helped her when her baby fell on her head... like did she expect me to sit there judging at the fact that she didn't catch her baby? Because if she did that's a horrible way to be thinking. I honestly don't know why that mother next to me was so misserable looking, because she could be having a hard time at home... but for 3 whole hours she didn't smile once, like not even when her baby was laughing and that to me is crazy. Instead she was looking at my baby standing on the chair like as if I was crazy for letting her do that 🤦‍♀️

That mother that was giving you dirty looks should be ashamed. Us mothers should be more accepting helpful and understanding rather than sit there judging another mum who is stressed out for her own reasons.

I'm also going to point out that those baby club sessions are for that reason, for parents with babies and toddlers who won't sit still and chat away ... If she wanted to watch a film in peace she shouldn't have gone to baby club

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