I lay on the floor and let my little girl climb up and all over me she finds it fun so now it’s called get mummy time. Got her this 4 in 1 walker which is brilliant it’s a sit in walker and 2 different type of push along walkers and turns into a toy got it of Amazon. It’s helped her grow her confidence so much with standing and yawing furniture to walk. What my mum suggested to me was a door bouncer. Could also maybe try encouraging to stand holding the sofa or a chair (supervised of course) also even holding hands or the waist helping him learn to balance on his feet. All of this has helped my little girl with standing with out support now very close to taking. First steps. Have had no issues with all of them they’ve helped her so much along with one on one time encouraging her to use stuff to pull herself up on. May I just say I have the same jumperoo 🤣 she loved it till she was able to crawl and use stuff to walk about x
You can get a stroller/walker. My daughter loves it, she zooms round the living room and im sure she will start walking soon because of it. She is 9 months
No such equipment is safe. Just let him stand up on his own and he'll be fine.