Are you following a nap schedule or wake windows?

I know at this age naps and bedtime are still quite unpredictable but I feel my 6 week old and me could benefit from some sort of loose nap time and bedtime routine. Right now she doses off as and when, and her wake windows can be super short or mega long! Does anyone follow a loose routine or wake windows they can share?
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I'm not, but I've also been thinking the same. My baby sleeps a lot in the day and I might start trying to keep him up just a little bit before each sleep.

My baby is 7 weeks and I use huckleberry app to keep tracking of bottles and sleep. He’s slept for 5 hours 10 minutes today so far. He’ll normally start his night time sleep between 10-11 depending on the day. He is awake more now but it’s still as and when he can be awake for 20 minutes or 1 hour n half just depends on him on the day. I just go with him at this age x

I use babybtracker to track naps and things, from around 8,9pm when she wakes I that that as night time, keep rooms dim lit, get baby changed and in her sleeping bag, feed her and put her to bed. I ensure she stays in her sleeping bag until it's morning so she knows in that it's bed time. Hoping it's helping start establish a bit of a routine

We have a rough routine we try and follow but with a bit of leeway here and there as she is 4 weeks 4 days Wake up 8.30 morning bottle, a bath, play time. 12 a warm bottle and then down for a nap wake up at 4 for another bottle play time then start the bedtime routine at 7.30 bath bottle then in bed by 9 and she tends to sleep through till 3 for a small bottle and nap change She drinks about 210ml a bottle so having less feeds but still getting all what she needs and helps with her sleeping at night Hope this helps

I haven’t and I probably won’t. I did with my first but I’m just going with the flow this time just to see if a routine naturally works itself out 😂😅🤪 xxx

I follow wake windows, also use huckleberry. Baby is 6 weeks so aiming for 45-60 minutes wake windows. With my first I found I couldn't do a schedule until she was 7 months and down to 2 naps, it is too unpredictable until then as you don't know how long they will nap for etc. We have an ideal routine as I have to get toddler to nursery and pick her up so baby fits around that, but it doesn't always work out.

My 8 week old sleeps from 10pm till 5/6am. The later she stays up the later she rises. From 5 weeks she slept from 11-6/7. I think it’s a case of using different tactics, like feeding to sleep, using soft ssh’s, getting them cosy, brushing a finger over their forehead and nose, rubbing their tummy gently x

We don’t have a routine just follow her patterns, she’s new to this and so are we at the end of the day. We are waiting till she develops her own sleep patterns x

i use huckleberry to track naps/night sleep/feeds, but i’m following baby’s cues for all of these each day. i use the app not so much to create a routine but more just to see if there’s a natural daily pattern of when baby is hungry/tired so i know what to loosely expect x

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