I had an ECV in my previous pregnancy, they give you an injection to relax your muscles and also gave gas and air as it can be quite uncomfortable, mine was unsuccessful, his head was really tucked up under my ribs, so much so his head was a bit misshaped when he came out, and I ended up having a c-section, but I would do it again this time around if needed if it meant possibly avoiding a c-section x
My baby was 100% + and we didn't know. I really didn't want a c section (unmedicated Water birth was goals). I spent 2 days in labour at home, nothing happened so go induced 3 times at the hospital, only dilated 2 cm (still unmedicated with full on contractions). I got the point where my body started to shut down so they did a c section and he was off the charts (just barely) for both height weight and head and had huge shoulders! Almost 6kg (and born on his due date). They said, had I dilated and tried to push him out I would have long term damage. My point is, don't be like me and just have your heart set on one type of birth! I could have avoided days of unnecessary pain and exhaustion if I hadnt been so keen on a natural water birth. My C section got me and baby out safe and sound!
ECV was a success for me and wasn't painful at all, just felt strange and looked so so weird! I gave birth vaginally as I planned so my experience was all positive ☺️