
So I’m 3.5 weeks post partum (C-section delivery) and thought my bleeding had pretty much stopped, however over the last 2 days I’ve had bright red bleeding again mixed with some darker bleeding, has anyone else experienced this? Is it normal?
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Same happened to me ! I’m guessing it’s normal as mine has now completely stopped

I’m 4 weeks post partum from c-section and have been bleeding on and off. It’s mostly stopped now, just get the odd bloody discharge

My midwife said if you bleed again or a lil bit more again it can be because you have over done

@Monique how long did yours last?

I’m 5 weeks post section now, it happened to me and has only just stopped. As long as not really heavy, soaking through pads or big clots it’s totally normal xx

Hey, I'm currently in the exact same situation. Thought my bleeding was stopping and over the past couple of days it's gone bright red. I had my C-section three weeks ago today! I'm assuming this is normal, but I'm going to check with my health visitor when she next comes x

Can’t your period restart around that time?

@Charlotte yes I was thinking this but I don’t have a health visitor appointment for like another 3 weeks! Congrats on the C-section x

@Jess oh god I don’t know! Can it start that early?

@Abbie so good to know thank you xx

@Georgie no problem! It was the same with my first, I thought my period was coming back but your looking at another week or so before the earliest that could happen, and even then would be unlikely! It’s so annoying though isn’t it!🙄🤣xx

@Georgie just had a look and it says it can start around 5/6 weeks after birth. Think breastfeeding impacts it though and can make it take longer

@Georgie about 4 weeks xx

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