My LO is almost 10 months and I still feel the same 😔
My Baby is 4 months and I still feel the same way, Is like trial and error everyday. I know it can get very frustrating and hard sometimes, I wish I knew what to say but I’m sure we all go through it. What has helped me a little bit is knowing that baby is fine, what I mean with this is that they can cry and get fussy and unsettled etc and still be fine. Your doing a great job!
Girl I’m on my third baby he is 2 months and i feel the same! I stop feeling like this when the baby gets to around 6months plus mark when they start getting more mobile, their personality comes out a little and you kind of get to know what kind of person they may be. We are also in the phase with 2 months old where they cry for everything - gassy stomach, stuck burp etc so it is hard figuring out what the issue is and whether you’ll be able to settle them! Do you give your little girl a dummy or anything?
For me it was honestly the 7month mark when he became more of a little person babies stress me out a lot more then toddlers you have this do not worry the fact you are worrying about this goes to show that your not faking it all the way it gets different and better soon as you see them become there own little person it feels less like your faking anything and a lot less repetitive please feel free to PM me if you want to talk 🩷