Postpartum bleeding

Hey lady’s I am 7 weeks postpartum I stopped bleeding around 3.5 weeks postpartum. The bleeding from birth dwendled from normal blood color to brown and stopped at that time. I am breast feeding still. But today I’ve been wiping and seeing pinkish blood. No pain no cramps I’m super confused. Have any of you experienced this?
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Me right now 🤣 but its gone now.

Mine came and then would get less then stop. Then start back up a bit. I was told it’s normal and could take a while still. Mine did stop all together at the end of 4 weeks PP. not sure if sex helped it or it was just done.

@Kendra Budd what I’m worried about is that it’s going to mess up my milk supply little dude has been sleeping longer at night so I haven’t had to feed him as often now I’m wondering if I should just wake him up every 3-4 hours anyway to feed him or if I should just be more on top of pumping after feeding him

@Pantera it shouldn't throw off your milk supply.

@Kendra Budd good because I don’t plan on stopping till he’s about 9 months and if I have to stop before then I would like to have a bigger freezer stash before then

That happened to me too actually. But it was more like my bleeding stopped at 5 weeks and I had spotting at 6 weeks. Lasted a couple days.

Same here! My ob told me that it’s hard to know when you get your period when breastfeeding and it’s normal to be spotting if you got long periods with out breastfeeding or pumping.

@Danielle see the thing is my period before I got pregnant was 3 days with a cycle length of an average of 26 days

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