Here is a guide on Reddit that talks through what results mean
Looks like the total volume was low, and so the count was low.
So it looks low, but unfortunately as me and my partner have just found out, they won’t give NHS funding for IVF if the sperm count is over 5 million per ml. I personally don’t think that’s fair when it’s so close to the lower end. For reference my partners density is 10.6 million per ml and they have refused funding. We’re trying to push back as he has varicocele and it’s pretty apparent that that’s the reason we haven’t conceived in 13 months but they’re saying unless my tests come back low, that we’ll have to try for 3 years 😭… for reference this is in Surrey, England. I know it varies depending on location. X
@Samantha ah I’m sorry. Will they not even treat the varicocele? Is that something you could do separately. I followed a woman’s TTC journey on TikTok and she got pregnant with her partner having 6mil. Obvs as you know chances are lower but not impossible, which is maybe why they want you to try for longer. As you say though it’s totally not fair!
@DS well he found out about his varicocele nearly 20 years ago and had a coil put in. In theory we’d expect that coil to help but his count is still low. He was 19 at the time and it was well before we met, so he never thought it would be an issue. We’ve asked to be referred to urology but they’ve said they won’t do that unless his count was lower than 5million. But they have agreed to send him for a scan to see if he has any more/ to see if there is any issue with his coil. So at least that’s something. Totally agree that there is a possibility but the odds are against us with such low sperm…the issue is that it’s not impossible to conceive, it’s just unlikely… it’s just hard for us as he’s close to 40 now and whilst I’m only 33/ nearly 34, we don’t want to wait another 2 years and then have to go through the whole waiting process if it doesn’t work. It’s just so hard isn’t it xx
Hi, I’m not an expert but I think these are a bit on the low side. Especially the count, volume and morphology. Your partner should speak to a specialist to see if he can identify a cause. And he should take a fertility supplement like Proxeed or Proceive if he isn’t already.