I actually found mine went higher around 34 weeks with my first but there was nothing in my urine so they weren’t too worried but I was told to keep an eye on headaches, back ache etc I then went on holiday before maternity leave at 35 weeks so at my 36 week check it had gone down again. Turns out I was probably getting stressed without really realise 🫣
It’s more you mental and physical well being than the food tbh Make sure you are doing things that keep you laughing, your mental state well & less stress ( had pre clampsia last time & high risk for this time but no high blood pressure at all this time round )
Also lots of rest as doing too much physically will make your BP rise. Avoid stress and take it easy 🥰 breathing and no caffeine at all too as makes it rise. I had severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome and my Bp went from normal to 210/125 in the space of a week (sorry don’t mean to scare anyone) so deffo keep tabs on everything 😘 chest pain, vision changes, swelling, headaches xx
Thanks for all your advice. I have a 2 and 4 year old and am teaching part time and it definitely feels like I need to stop! I have been in panic mode at having three children none of which are in full time school, so perhaps the worry hasn't helped.Thankfully, today is my last day working, so I shall be putting my feet up a lot more. I'll try the breathing too. Thank you!
@Jo awwww bless you Jo. I can imagine that is super stressful. You got this 🫶💓
@Naomi Thank you!
Cardiac coherence works very well in reducing blood pressure. It's just breathing exercises.There are apps, I use the one by Martin Forget. Set it up for 5 min, 6 cycles/min and 40/60 (inhale/exhale) and really, if you want to reduce your blood pressure, you need to do it at least three times a day. :)