struggling with oranges

My little one is 11 month old and he seems to struggle with oranges, every other food I give him he’s been fine with but oranges he just can’t seem to get the skin of them swallowed and ends up spitting it all out at the end or gags on it Luckily hasn’t choked but I’m wondering if there’s a certain way I should serve it to help him Edit to say- by skin I mean like the membrane not the orange skin 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
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do you have the solid starts app? even i struggle with eating oranges i hate the membrane maybe try serving it a different way, even just some freshly squeezed as a juice? the app suggests you remove the membranes and serve bite sized pieces but don’t take my word for it as i haven’t even started yet😂x

At that age, oranges were one of my daughter’s favourite snacks. I used to either cut into wedges for her to suck on (wash the outer skin if you do this as she often put part of it in her mouth too), or I would cut/peel off the membrane for her as it is very difficult for little ones to chew. If you get easy peelers or satsumas, you can generally slice in half and then sort of push the bottom of each segment up and pop the orange flesh out of its skin/membrane (if that makes sense!!)

I still cut mine super small. Enough that my daughter won't have to break apart the membrane too much. She's 12 1/2 months.

My son just turned 1 about 2 weeks ago and he struggles with oranges too. He also cringes when he eats them so I don't think he likes them yet😂 This is how I cut them for my LB and still do now at 2

Depends on size but if I noticed my son just getting the juice and spitting out the skins I will cut them in half to make them smaller and he seems to be just fine. (He’s almost 16 months) and loves oranges

My 9 year old had this problem when she was little and still swears she can’t swallow it. I just recently got her to stop chewing the ibuprofen pills I would give her 🤮. I think it’s a texture thing. We all know they’re capable of swallowing the skin of an orange 😂 It drives me nuts. I stand there like ok now it’s just the skin just swallow it and she will chew and chew and move it around her mouth. It’s bizarre. 😂

My daughter is 2.5 years old and she still struggles eating oranges I peel the outter skin and the inner skin to at time and she is one of those children that will swallow it whole if I don't watch her so I turn it into juice

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