Hi! We're cmpa and have been told it's going to be another year till we get an appt! So hell be 18 months then. My friend is a paediatrician and so I asked her. You need to wait at least 6 months after their last dairy exposure until you start but most people start at 12mo. She sent me the ladder from her NHS trust if you'd like I can send it to you.
I'm on my 2nd CMPA baby, for my first we had to wait until 1 year to start the ladder so I just used breastmilk or formula in his food until he was about 10 months when I introduced oat milk and got this into his diet so that he could move to this when he turned 1 rather than being on formula. I followed the same approach as Lucy and will do this again being sure to leave a few days between allergens as they could have a delayed allergy to something else and won't have a reaction for a few hours to days after so just to be sure. Planning to start with the nut butters first as we suspect egg allergy too and there is a link between these. One to watch for is soya this caught us off guard the first time too
Thank you everyone ♥️
@Sophie yes please that would be incredible thank you 🥹♥️
@Nicola thank you SO much ♥️
My little girl has CMPA too and we’re starting next week. Haven’t seen the dietician yet but the health visitor has said they don’t start the milk ladder until around 10 months old so I’m just going to introduce other foods without dairy in. Planning to start with broccoli, avocado, sweet potato etc and then introduce other allergens the week after such as egg and peanut butter but be very careful to introduce them one by one to check for reactions especially in a baby with one suspected allergy already! Then I’ll be introducing fruit and giving foods she’s okay with together. Just have fun with it, it’s very messy but can be really good easy to avoid dairy, if giving yoghurt I would give coconut yoghurt as soy is another allergen to introduce too! I also wouldn’t bother with anything marketed specially for babies like baby porridge or baby rice it’s a more expensive version of the same thing we eat that they can have! Xx