Could she have a sore throat/ears maybe? Or even a cold? These all affect what my baby will eat! We went through about 7 weeks of constant illness and he went off a lot of foods other than pasta, yoghurts and fruit/ fruit pouches and such! When he had a few checkups during that time they said he had a sore throat and ears. Teething could also be the culprit as their gums get so sore, yoghurt etc is cold and soothing xx
@Naomi no she’s definitely not ill as she’s still her happy playful self that’s why it’s so strange like today she’s only had her morning bottle about 3 yogurts a few pieces of banana and a pot of custard everything else I offered she refused, she had her bath didn’t what her bottle and went to sleep I’m just so worried she’s hungry but she’s showing no signs of hunger or pain! She’s still sleeping 12 hours with no wakes so she can’t be hungry but surely she would wake with teething pain? Xx
Bless her, If she’s happy I wouldn’t worry! They have off days just like us, some days we aren’t as hungry or just prefer certain foods! It could well be the start of illness or teething though, all you can do is keep an eye on her ☺️, she’ll get back to it soon! x
I hear you!!!!!! Mine was an Amazing eater would literally eat anything and has now been fussy for 6 weeks unless he can feed himself with his hands as he won’t touch a spoon 🤣and will not let us feed him anything! Also will not longer eat anything in a sauce etc won’t use his hands for anything soft like mash! So just lives on finger food
Could very much be teething. My daughter had a off day today. If it continues too many days I'd take to the drs x