Sadness at nursery

Wondering if anyone has any tips or can share how they've dealt with their little one struggling to settle at nursery. My LO has only had her 4 settling in sessions so far, but she's been so unhappy for all of them (bar the one I stayed with her), not eating or drinking anything and sad crying for most of the time. She was absolutely distraught when I left at the last one (which was for 4 hours) and it sounds as though she stayed unsettled pretty much the whole time. Since then, she's been so so clingy with me and waking lots more in the night, often just wanting me. I know it's early days and I'm sure this isn't uncommon, but I'm keen to do what I can to create positive associations with nursery and not just work through the crying at the door day after day. She's due to do her first full day on Monday and I'm not sure she (or I!) will cope 😥 when have you found it to get better? Any suggestions greatly appreciated 🙏
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Honestly… working through it is kind of the only thing you can do at this age, when they don’t understand and can’t be reasoned with etc. The positive association will build over time- in that you don’t get anxious or sad at drop off, because they pick up on our energy, she learns you always come back for her and when she begins to have fun with the toys and interact with the other babies and actually gets distracted from missing you. It gets better when they adjust, for some that happens really fast, for others it takes longer. For my eldest, it was a few weeks- progress was made in that time, but there were tears on drop off still (but photos 10mins later of him settled, and updates during the day that he was okay) and disruption to sleep, eating etc.

I feel as though I wrote this! Wow it’s so hard isn’t it and the guilt I have is nothing I’ve ever felt before. But reading through similar posts Chloe always gives reassurance so thank you for sharing your experiences. 🩷 And to to OP, I hope your little one settles asap, I don’t really have any tips yet but you’re doing amazing 🩷

Thank you for sharing your experience and reassurance, Chloe, that's really helpful. You're right that they pick up on our emotions so I will try to stay positive and calm at drop off. I was fighting back the tears at the last one! Aw thank you, Jessica, that's really kind - really hope your little one settles too. Yes to the guilt, it's so strong! Whilst you don't want to think of any babies struggling, it's reassuring that I'm not the only one with a little one that's finding it tough - we'll get there!

Has your little one got a cuddly toy they could take? It's not a magic fix, but it definitely helped give my son some comfort for drop off and when he was sad there. The main thing is just time though for the relationships to build with the key workers

@Alex she hasn't got one that she's particularly attached to - I'm wondering whether to try to introduce one to see if that helps. Thanks for your suggestion 🙏

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