My little girl is the same right now and both kids have a cough 🥺 I raise the head side of her snuz pod (stand alone), put baby olbus oil in the top corners at head side. I sometimes use baby Vicks on my son’s chest/back, so maybe some there or under her nose? You can look at the age of these products but I’m quite loose with it as sometimes you just need something to help! I also use the sterimar spray and the snot sucker. A warm bath would be my other suggestion ☺️
I have a Vicks cool mist humidifier and you can pop Vicks vapo pads in when they are blocked which seem to help abit. It’s horrible though. I hate hearing her all blocked and sniffly xx
Both my boys have been the same recently. The calpol saline drops are really good for helping clear their nose also try having a window open for air flow during the night x
If she is actually struggling to breathe take her straight a&e or dial 999. My baby was in hospital for 4 days with support for breathing due to bronchoiliotis.
Try using sterimar breathe easy baby, it’s a mist that you spray into the nostrils (it’s literally just natural sea water) it was gentle enough for my newborn and it really helped clear her nose. Once you have sprayed that, use a aspirator (nose frida nose sucker) to get all the gunk out.