@Rachel we used to be close but I think that was just a way of them getting contact with my daughter not that I’d of ever stopped it x
We aren't allowed contact with my brother's child unfortunately because his mother is a narcissistic cow who throws her toys out of the pram when she doesn't get her own way. Well done for letting them have contact still ☺️ x
@Rachel only rules I have is don’t do things I wouldn’t with her and to be in a relationship properly for 6 months before she meets the partner ( me and her dad both agreed on this) We fell out because I stopped contact after I was told his ex was back on the scene but she said she hoped my child dies when I was pregnant but I told him at the start if she did come back there would be no more interaction between him and our child because who lets someone say that and wants them near their child xx
That's fair enough. Think I would be the same x
Can I just say, as someone whose brother had a child with someone he was never in a relationship with, I really hope you have a decent enough relationship with the father & his family, unlike the mother of my nephew with my brother & my parents. X