If you’re worried I’d probably try and seek some HCG blood tests, 2 tests 48 hours apart, to see how the pregnancy is progressing. It can be normal, but it can also be a sign of something wrong. What colour is the spotting and how much of it?
It's red and feels like a light period, not filling a pad though, only enough when I wipe. she's said it's normal though, I have a headache and been super tired all day, which I've read is coupled with implantation. I think I'm just worrying as I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks but it was light spotting compared to this.. I've had more symptoms straight away this time though
Implantation happens when the egg implants, so that’s when you’d feel the symptoms of it…but I really hope everything is ok! And sorry for your previous loss. For what it’s worth I had pale pink spotting with an 8 week loss, and all the colours of bleeding and a gush of blood with a successful pregnancy. Crossing fingers for you 🤞🏼
Thank you
Yes I had this, I had really Really heavy bleeding around 4-5 weeks and all okay, now have a lovely 15 Month baby x