
I'm currently 3 days postpartum, I'm breastfeeding and pumping. I'm feeling really discouraged about how much I'm getting from pumping. Just wanted to know what the normal amount is.
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Milk takes at least a week to come in, keep staying hydrated and make sure u eat plenty.

The normal amount to pump on day 3 (in my experience I could never pump anything out until day 5-7 though) is less than 5ml

1. Please don’t feel discouraged or be hard on yourself! Firstly, as you’re only 3 days PP, your milk likely won’t have come in fully yet. I’m now 6 months PP and LO for the most part is exclusively breastfed, although I sometimes pump to build a freezer stash or have a night time bottle. I used to beat myself up as I was never able to get much from pumping however I’ve come to learn there are so many variables and factors that affect this. Some breastfeeding mums aren’t able to pump any milk at all, they make literally just enough for their baby when they feed on the breast. Your supply will also vary throughout the day and there are certain times where pumping will be more effective (between 2am - 4am is when your prolactin levels are highest and in the evening is less likely to achieve as much). I used to worry that because I couldn’t pump much it meant I didn’t have any milk and my baby was starving but remember that your baby is much more effective at getting milk from you than

2. A pump will be. Remember to eat plenty (you need at least 500 extra calories a day) and stay really well hydrated as this will help boost your supply. You could also try power pumping and apparently eating lots of oats can be good for supply. You’re doing great - good luck! 😊

I’m 9 days pp and I’m just now making enough milk to store for later. Don’t be discouraged stress can also affect milk production. I remember crying at the hospital because I thought I was starving my baby but it all will work out in the end.

I was recommended to do skin to skin and put the baby to latch AS MUCH AS I CAN. That’s what I did and seems to be going well. And try not to get stressed out, that really can affect supply. Also, maybe the pumping can be more stressful because you get to see how much you make and may seem little but that’s how much they usually need the first 3 days!!

My doctor let me supplement with formula around 3-7 days pp since my milk wasn’t in and my baby was so hungry. Plus I was pumping every few hours to get my supply in. I felt so relieved that my baby could be fed and my milk came in around day 4 and was about 1-2 oz for a day. Then it picked up!

3 days you’re probably still getting colostrum or maybe a transitional milk, regardless it would be very little but is enough for baby!

At 3 days my milk was in but the amount was small because baby stomach still tiny. You’ll notice at 1 week the amount will have increased significantly

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