@Ashley how do i know if she’s interested? i know she comes to the potty with me and says “pee” or “poop”
She is plenty interested then! So put your life on hold and keep her motivated! It's the priority of the week.
I recommend the Oh Crap method. We started at 17.5 months with my son
If she isn't interested, be prepared to train yourself into a habit. You are the one who will need to establish the patterns of taking her when she wakes up, when the timer goes off, before you go out, and before bed. You need to be ready to be consistent. If you are not going to be consistent about taking her to the Potty, your options are to wait until she wants to, or have a lot of grace for her. Either way, try to keep the perspective that you are there to give her the tools for life, she does not owe you a convenient life. I needed that reminder constantly. I am a mama of 4 little kids. I enjoy my kids a lot more now. Grace makes a big difference.