Maybe more therapy? Those sound like serious issues that I don't think you can fix on your own. I wish I had more advice! That sounds so rough on all of you, I'm sorry.
Maybe emotional regulation charts. It teaches them healthy things they can do when they’re feeling mad, sad, etc. it’s something you teach while they’re calm because once they’re already dysregulated they’re not in a position to learn or listen. Also maybe spending lots of quality time with her. She could be doing this because it gets her lots of attention. Since new babies are now in the picture she’s having to divide her time. Praising her good behaviors. Teaching her good ways to act with play. Kids at that age learn best through play. So maybe with dolls or puppets you could have one that scratches and have the other say ohh no we dont scratch. Are you feeling mad? It’s okay to feel mad but you can’t hurt other people. Let’s try to calm our self by pretending our fingers are candles and blowing them out on by one. And have the other puppet participate then redo the scenario but choose to use the breathing instead of scratching and the other puppet can clap and cheer
Big little feelings has lots of good resources on helping kids understand their feelings.
also to note, i LOVE my bonus daughter. i do not believe she is “just a difficult kid.” i believe there are underlying reasons to why she’s acting out so intensely. which is why we want to support her to the best of our abilities