Second Pregnancy

This is my second pregnancy, I had my son in March 2023 & the experience is SO different! With my son, I could easily hide my bump in the right clothes until I was 23+ weeks, my physical symptoms were light; some nausea if i didn't eat early enough, etc. This time, i'm as big as I was when I was about to give birth with my son ALREADY 😭 constant nausea the entire first trimester, i'm so hungry I could eat a house, already some round ligament pain, I even feel like I pee more often than I ever did with my son. It's insane how this isn't my first rodeo but it feels a little like it is 😂 The left is February 2023 (I gave birth in March) & the right is Thanksgiving!! Insanity.
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Same boat here

Had my first son in Jan 2023 and this time around look huge and soooooo sick 🤢

Same only it’s my third but neither of my boys was I so big so fast or so plagued with symptoms

I heard the second pregnancy we show up faster! And my doctor told me the symptoms get stronger in our body after 1sr pregnancy 🤰🏼🙃 so hang in there! You are creating life! And look beautiful! 🤩

What Marie said, my OB told me the same thing too. With the second pregnancy you show quicker and symptoms are sooner and more intense. I too am peeing way more than I did with my firstborn and feel/see the weight sooner than I did the first time around

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