It’s normal , it will get better ! If you need a moment to yourself put baby in a safe place and have a breather
I don't have any tips but just wanted to comment and say I feel exactly the same! My LO is 2 weeks old and when cries and is hard to settle I find myself welling up and sobbing it's're not alone!
This was me with my first. We found out she had a major reflux issue. I also had a lot of signs of PPD that I ignored because I didn’t have thoughts “scary thoughts” everyone talked about. PPD is so normal and can be way more that what you think. You WILL make it out of the newborn phase. You WILL feel like yourself again. I know it feels endless right now, but you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
Look up Purple Crying, it is developmentally normal and starts around this age. Baby wearing helped me a lot with my first who had bouts of purple crying, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and normal to get both overwhelmed and touched out, give yourself some grace you are only 3 weeks post partum. See if your husband can take over for an hour or so. Get a bath, relax, do something you enjoy like read a book or have a pamper, you can't pour from an empty cup and need to care for you too x
We are exactly the same, honestly feels like all I do is cry 🙈. Just need to keep telling ourselves that it is a phase and it will all pass. We got this!
If you are struggling, then hand him over to your husband and go take a break. It won't last forever xx
I don’t have any tips but i definitely feel the same, hes so different from my first born so its very overwhelming and overstimulating for me, I had a cry last night cause of how overwhelmed I was x
There have been studies which show mothers brains have an automatic response to our babies crying, and when they can’t sooth them it causes anxiety and distress. It’s so normal that you feel like when you can’t find a way to sooth him. Let your partner step in and take him to a different room to try calm him to give you time to breathe
Does he have Colic? I would definitely bring that to your pediatricians attention. My daughter was the same way. Nothing I did would console her whether it was changing her diaper, giving her a bottle, or even picking her up. She would cry all day and all night for what it seemed and that she had colic, it was definitely hard.
I had this with my first born, the cries went through me and I wanted to rip my skin off. I had to have help with my husband and use headphones. This lasted for months. I don’t feel the same way with my 2nd, no idea why.
It’s really normal… I recently heard on a podcast run by a paediatrician that babies crying lights up a mother’s brain in ways that it doesn’t for men/fathers. It activates our emotional and motor responses to make us go to our baby and it’s very easy for a woman’s brain to get overstimulated when her baby constantly cries. Also explains why it doesn’t phase your husband as much (which can be a blessing when we are completely overwhelmed) I have put the baby down just to breathe myself for a few minutes before going back to him. But it makes me feel so guilty even though I know there’s a reason for it
This is so normal.. happened to me a lot when LO was newborn. If you’re alone and no one to help at that time put the baby down, shut the door go to another room breathe for a few mins and go back. Also going to another room and screaming yourself helps 😂 honestly it does get better even though it feels like it never will x