I put one biscuit with milk in the microwave for 30 seconds then mix it up and spoon feed baby. Sometimes I make a “cheesecake” by taking bit of Wheatabix with less milk and creating a thick layer at the bottom of a container, then some full fat Greek yoghurt and at the top I either swirl through some mixed mashed berries/jam/peanut butter Let it set overnight and have it for a sweet breakfast/dessert for baby
I used to put it in milk with a teaspoon of peanut butter and some flaxseed then let it sit and top it with strawberry Greek yogurt - I called it Weetabix strawberry cheesecake 🤣
We just add different fruits to it for flavour x
With milk and berries or banana
Thanks everyone! The cheesecake is a great idea ! 🥰 I’m sure my little guy would love that thank you!
Guys I honestly don't know what it whetabix. Can someone tell em what it is?
@Angela it is Weetabix
I used to dip it in milk and just hand it to my baby (that one is now 6!) as he didn't like mush, he wanted to handle everything! I just had to accept the clean up!