Gestational Hypertension

Hi 👋 is anyone going through the same? I’m due 6/01/25 however I’m thinking baby boy will make an arrival in December now due to measuring big at 32 weeks 5.5lb thyroid condition and yesterday I was admitted to hospital with a BP of 161/110 however I’m now being medicated with lebatrol twice daily which has thankfully lowered this, They have told me to look out for symptoms like flashing lights headaches and reduced movement and come back immediately I’m now seeing a midwife twice weekly for BP checks. Is this normal protocol is anyone else going through this? I’m due my 36 week scan on 11th December and I’m a little stressed with everything now and hoping I can ask to be induced once 37 weeks hit but not sure if this is something they would offer.. Any experience from anyone?
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Hiya I was in the same boat as you, high BP that was put on labetalol to lower manage it, was going weekly to have checks had a growth scan at 32 weeks everything was fine then had another at 36 weeks where they have booked me in for Tuesday at 37 weeks +2 elective section as I didn't want to be induced. Baby weight seemed fine, just couldn't get an accurate reading on his abdomen and then with the high BP they recommended to be taken in at 37 weeks x

Heya - I have hypertension that has gradually gotten worse over the past 4 weeks (I'm now 33 weeks). I have had a few hospital stays due to BP spiking above 190/110. At the moment I'm being monitored 3 times a week (BP and urine check) + bloods once a week. Baby is measuring on the smaller side for me. They are trying to keep BP as stable as possible and will induce at 37 weeks (if the BP behaves / I don't have any more prolonged spikes, in that case maybe they'll need another plan). I am on 200mg Labetalol, 4 times a day and 20mg Nifedipine, twice a day. I believe this is quite a high dose. I was getting a little frustrated at first that nothing was improving BP wise very quickly and they were giving me such baby doses.. But I think they just are in a position where anything they do give you medication wise needs to be added /monitored so slowly (can't have anything drastic as it would impact baby). They know what they're doing, trust the process 😎❤️ it is what it is ! Xxx

Guidelines and protocols will differ slightly across the country, dependent on Trusts. It does sound about right to me though. They could offer you an induction at 37 weeks with BP concerns, just depends how well managed it is, how well grown baby is, any symptoms you’re having, blood/urine results etc. Signs/symptoms are visual disturbances, new onset of swelling, frontal headache, epigastric pain (upper right, under your ribs where your liver is) and new nausea/vomiting. Of course keep an eye on movements too, any changes to your normal pattern - report it. Hopefully your BP stays stable with the Labetalol, if it doesn’t they will likely try to adjust the dose rather than jump in with induction, unless you’re full term and they could consider it. It’s a doctors decision though.

I got admitted at week 37 for blood pressure getting to around 150/100 and put on labetanol also. They decided to induce me the next day as I was high risk for pre ecmalmpsia so maybe a discussion with your consultant will lead to induction when you reach full term also

@Sarah Thankyou for this gives me an idea of what they could be planning as the doctor yesterday said we will discuss more on 36 week scan, my lads abdominal is on 99th centi x

@Jess how did the induction go? Did it affect your BP? Congratulations x

I have had BP issues throughout pregnancy and was briefly admitted to hospital around 24 weeks. I am on labetalol and nifedipine and have been having regular growth scans and ctg monitoring. My consultant told me at 37 weeks that it would be their preference for me to not go beyond 39 weeks due to the increase in pre-eclampsia risk, so I am being induced tomorrow (slightly scared!). I think it differs from trust to trust, but my sister who was in a different trust was told the same. I'd be prepared for them to push to induce you early, but remember it is always your choice once you have weighed up the risks and benefits

@Emma it went better than I anticipated actually - they broke my waters which wasn’t bad, then we waited for contractions to start which they did but not consistent enough so we went to the hormone drip which sped things along and I had her 4ish hours later. I also had the epidural as those contractions from the drip are insane and an epidural actually calms your blood pressure down so that was good really. I’m on 2 weeks of BP meds now and have to get reviewed from GP as apparently it can take a bit to return to normal afterwards

@Katie Lovett-White thanks for this Katie! How many weeks are you now? Sending you love and luck for tomorrow’s induction hoping it’s a quick one for you!!! ❤️❤️❤️

@Emma I will be exactly 39 weeks tomorrow! Thank you ☺️💕

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