My husband and I bought matching ones for our kids off the tik tok shop for cheap. 2 pairs were like $13. Also check Shien.
You can take a nice pic by the tree without matching pyjamas. Or you can buy matching Christmas T-shirts which would be cheaper than pyjamas, we did that one year. Got them off shein pretty cheap
Why don’t you try getting match-y but not ‘matching’ pjs from the second hand store? You can choose a theme, say peppermint red and white and find pjs for everyone that fit the theme piece by piece. It’ll still look coordinated but won’t kill the budget!
I wouldn’t. If you know you’re struggling and spending $60 on pjs is “a lot for us right now”—this would be bad financial decisions on your behalf. I know you want the memoirs but how about color coordinate in some cute clothing you already have. Use your phone and free editing apps to enhance the quality. The thing is, you’ll buy the Christmas pjs for pictures and Christmas Day. By April/May your child has probably outgrown the pjs—because we all know our kids grown like weeds 🥴😂. So, that $60 won’t stretch until next Christmas for the children. Plus, you’ll want new ones for 2025 Christmas because most family what new sets. If I was financially struggling right now, $60 pjs would not be on the list. And your children won’t love you any more or less if you buy them. Just my opinion
If I were in your situation I would save the money and take pics in clothes you already have
Do it next year. Once Christmas is over- go to a shop like Peter Alexander. We did it last year and everything was reduced massively! We wanted these pjs that were 80 dollars just for the tops. We ended up buying the tops for 12 dollars and the pants for 5 dollars (down from 40).
Or better yet, after Christmas is over... go to a thrift shop! Imagine how many people change pjs yearly because kids grow so quick
Can you not just do all in red tops and black trousers etc?
We got ours from old navy! They are half off!