Any advices / tips for travelling to Nigeria with young children under 3 years

I’m going to be travelling in a couple of weeks and will be there for half of next year and wondered if anyone can give me tips for travelling to Nigeria please? I will be going there for the first time in over 10 years and staying in a new city (Abuja) to where I used to live. I’m a bit nervous as I will be going on my own with the two kids. Someone made me nervous (an older Nigerian male) who said I shouldn’t be travelling with my youngest who is 7 months old. He said he is too young to go to Nigeria since he was born in the UK. I don’t even know what he meant fully but he mentioned what it he gets sick. Any advice would be appreciated on what to pack? Things I should be aware of whilst there? Any recommendations on places to visit in Abuja and places for kids? Best way to get around as I don’t drive? Anything else you can advice / recommend would be very appreciated :)
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Oh I don’t know much, but you should probably look into whether he needs any vaccinations and/ or needs to take malaria tablets (and from what age that is okay). Then find a doctor there in case any child is ill. Abuja is a nice city, traffic isn’t too bad and there are a few nice malls around. Sorry I don’t know a lot, but hopefully that might help a bit

I concur with the above person. Go to your gp and they will give you and your kids vaccine. Hopefully you would be around friends and family that would show you around and make you feel safe.

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