Well I was booked in to be induced but that failed 4 times so had to have a c section. So I was in hospital for 3 days before they decided to do a c section
For my first I went into labour around 38 weeks (can’t remember the exact gestation now lol). I started having mild contractions from 6.30 am. Was struggling with the pain so went in to get assessed around 10/11, they sent me home and gave some pain meds. Got home after midday, vommed and contractions started to get strong. Didn’t want phone and be told to stay at home but ended up phoning and sent in - arrived just gone 4pm (travelling during school traffic in labour I don’t recommend 😂), I was 9.5cm dilated and gave birth 2 hours later. It was a relatively quick labour for a first baby though!
@Kadija oooo, okay, so I’ve got babygrows, her coming home outfit plus a few extras in case we stay, readymade formula just in case baby doesn’t take to breast, a couple soothers, some wash cloths/Muslins, a breast pump, breast pads, maternity pads, some comfy clothes and bottles…I don’t think I’m missing anything. Hope this helps! And good luck!!
@Annabel oh, that sounds very stressful. I was under investigation by the doctors to have me induced since baby is growing on the 6th percentile but I don’t think it’s going forward anymore since there aren’t any risk factors to baby.
@Hannah oh wow! I don’t know if that’s best case or what. I’ve heard some women are in labour for like 2 days before baby decides to come. But my mum was in labour with me for 8 hours and I was her first. ❤️
The day I was due to have a sweep was the day I went into spontaneous labour, I was also going to be induced 5 days later due to having complications. I went into labour Monday the 11th of November, with contractions at 4am, they were on and off, so I decided to go curb walking to try and get them more intense, they got stronger over the day and the next morning they were quite intense so I spent most of the day in the bath, didn’t bother going in the hospital as they don’t keep you unless you’re 4cm>, eventually I had to ring because they were coming every 2 minutes and were very strong, we went in and maybe an hour later I was 8cm dilated. After that I didn’t progress anymore and I stayed 8cm until Wednesday morning when they decided to give me hormones to try and progress the labour, I was struggling with the pain just because of how long the labour had been, with no sleep due to contractions hurting. I’ll continue on another comment
@Lacey thank youuuu - really helpful and good luck to you too xxx
40+4 having contractions, went in, said come back later but gave me another sweep, made me bleed, was told it was normal, had a bath and a nap, woke up and was profusely bleeding and contractions every 3 minutes at 1 minute long. Told to call for ambulance. Was blue lighted to hospital. Contractions calmed, still bleeding but not as bad. Was monitored until my contractions ramped back up, had the epidural and a nice sleep 🥰 had my waters broken, then put on the drip. Spiked a fever of 39.8, baby's heart rate went to 181, emergency button pressed and had about 8 staff in the room, had a ventouse delivery and started on iv antibiotics. I had sepsis, baby had a lumbar puncture which showed borderline meningitis, had to stay for a week for us both to have antibiotics. Was rough but not the worst, from arriving in the ambulance to having baby was just over 12 hours I think, all a bit blurry!
Part 2 They messed up my catheter in my hand and made it spray out blood everywhere, I then asked for an epidural which I waited 10 hours for, that didn’t work as I got up to go to the toilet and they wondered how I moved but I could feel everything like normal, but by the time they wanted to do anything about it I felt pressure down below, luckily I was ready to push! I pushed for 2 hours, but I think from how long my labour was and the lack of sleep I just didn’t have the energy, so they snipped me in about 4 different places without pain relief 😬 they then got worried because my heart rate was faster than babies and I was over 200BPM, they threatened c section and I decided to give it my all and luckily got her out late afternoon of the Wednesday. They then stitched me up an hour later without pain relief again which was awful but I had my gorgeous baby in my arms and didn’t care. I forgot just how bad the pain was about 2 days after having my baby, and already I would have more!
I had the beautiful unmedicated water birth of my dreams. Contractions were definitely not for the weak and I felt like giving up at times but once it came to pushing most of the pain went. And the water helped me so much, I was always able to move freely and birth in whatever position that I wanted. I say have a birth plan and expect the best while preparing for the worst.
@Milly you are a warrior! What a queen! I’m so glad you and baby both came out healthy and severely unharmed.
@Susie I would love to have a water birth! I’ve heard wonderful things about it!
@Adele Absolute queen! Having a quick nap while in active labour…icon! 😂❤️
Yeah I've only ever heard people have good experiences. I recommend focusing on your breathing while laboring in general and just trusting your body and the staff, they both know what to do 😊
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First baby I went over, after taking my maternity leave 4 weeks prior to my due date I was so pissed 🤣 had to be induced at 41 weeks but the induction was in fairness really quick and such a positive experience! From induction to delivery was only 12 hours and only had to stay 1 night in all. Was out 6 hours after birth.
@Kadija change of clothes for you, sleep suit 3-5, bodysuit 3-5, hat, nappy, wipes, sanitary towel(although I had mine the midwives said I should just use theirs) ,blanket, formula. You don’t need bottles because they give you disposable ones while you are there Good luck 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
What I wanna know is what’s in the hospital bag? Need to prep mine this week - I’m due in 2 weeks and 2 days 😬😬