Same…. There’s a lot of books. I can try to find some if you are genuinely interested. I think a lot of it is mindset shift. They are having a hard time, not giving you a hard time. And it’s your job to help them through it. They will test the limits. You have to create boundaries and stick to them. It’s very much a work in progress with my son. One thing that has helped me immensely is adding in a lot more silliness, singing, laughing, hugging, etc. Sometimes you want to just yell “put the da*n shoes on, but anytime you can make it a game, it helps. We use a lot of timers. In 5 min, going to clean up for a shower, etc.
I listen to a lot of audiobooks because I do it in the car or while around the house. There’s also a lot of YouTube videos and Instagram, Facebook, and tiktok pages dedicated to toddler behavior. When he says something in a rude way, I will model how I want him to say it and I’ll have him repeat it until he says it nicely or uses the right words or whatever the case. Right now he hates sitting in his room by himself with the door shut, so if he’s out of control and I can’t get him to calm down, I will send him to his room but only for a couple minutes and usually by then he knows I mean business and he’s more amenable to my attempts to help him calm down. Breathing is huge. If you could start trying to walk him through breathing exercises to help him calm himself down, that would be great. Again, anytime you can add silliness to it, the better. Blowing out the 10 candles on your fingers slowly and deeply and count them down one by one. Recently when he gets angry…
I’m on the same boat. Great kid when he wants to be but stubborn, tantrums, and attached to me