I chose Spires but gave birth at delivery suite due to Spires not being staffed. I had a nice experience, staff were lovely and I was given a nice room with a pool, I went home 5 hours after having baby (my choice). If I could choose again I would probably still pick Spires but wouldn’t mind either way.
I wanted to go to the spires, but due to preeclampsia (high blood pressure) had to go to delivery with both my babies. Excellent care, they really tried to make it a more relaxed environment with lighting, music, tens machine, I had a ball, there is also one room with a pool. Benefit of delivery is that the doctors are less than 1 minute away if you are at all at risk, whereas they are about 10 min on spires.
I had planned for spires but ended up on delivery suite due to prolonged progression of labour following induction and asking for stronger pain relief (didn't realise I was 5cm) . At the time I was upset but looking back it was the best thing for Baby and me as my BP rose due to pain, and her heart rate dropped when pushing and needed an episiotomy quick to get her out, all of which would have meant being rushed there from spires anyway. Those I know who delivered on Spires loved it which is what made me want to go there in the first place. If you can, book a tour and see what you think x
I had my first baby on delivery suite and second on spires. Both were fine but I had a really good experience on spires . It’s much more relaxed there and less clinical feel . The midwives I had were so lovely there too . I also was able to give birth in the pool and id def recommend that as I felt it was great for pain relief and easier birth
I went to spires for a waterbirth but baby came wayyy to quickly for that and i ended up having a slight complication so delivered down in the labour ward but came back to spires after and had a private room with a double bed for my partner to stay with us which was amazing , I had trouble breastfeeding at first and the midwives spent SO much time helping me & reassuring me it was such an incredible experience i couldn’t recommend it more
Hey I had my baby on the Spires in July and it was great (well as great as birth can be lol). Lovely midwives, used the pool, was very quiet. Baby ended up needing resus and NICU but the fact that we were in the Spires didn't matter, baby doc came up and had all the care she needed there and then. You can get gas and air but will need to go down to delivery suite if you end up wanting an epidural. As some of the others have said, it can sometimes close if they are too busy/short-staffed. You can book a tour from 35 weeks if you haven't done one yet. Good luck! 😊
I had my first baby on spires 3 years ago and my second baby on the delivery suite this year. The delivery suite had the same feel as the spires room, it wasn’t clinical at all which I was dreading! It also had an en-suite so I could shower straight after birth before going to the postnatal ward whereas on the spires I had to wait to get to the postnatal ward for a shower! In my opinion, one isn’t better than the other and both births were very pretty much medically the same with how the midwives were.
I gave birth in the Spires and had a great experience! I know they aren’t always open due to staffing, but I was lucky it was open. There was me & another lady in so it was very quiet and peaceful (exactly what you want!). All the ladies on duty were amazing and really lovely, supportive and friendly. Can’t comment on the ward unfortunately as not been there!