Transition to dairy milk?

My 13month old boy has always fed to sleep or been swayed to sleep. He’s always been a terrible sleeper and has never slept more than four hours at one time. I always need to feed him back to sleep. For those who are transitioning to dairy milk but with a baby that relies on a bottle at night, what are you doing? Are you just doing formula at night or dairy? Or dairy during day and formula at night? I’m at a loss of what to do as he just doesn’t settle any other way. Any advice much appreciated ❤️
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My health visitor suggested that we mix it together, so we started with 6oz formula and 1 Oz milk and brought it down to 1oz formula and 6oz milk, she now doesn't have formula at all, we do warm her milk up though

I have twins, and one of them is on Cow & Gate 3.. However does do drink the blue top milk. He has a bottle in the evening and then wakes up after 3 hours or just in the morning.. I did the formula at first but now I’m just giving him blue top milk. The other one is a bit of a more difficult one, but got it handled x

We tried a straight swap to full fat diary but baby rejected it. Did it gradually by mixing formula and blue milk (in the same bottle) and over the course of a week reduced the amount of formula per bottle and increased the actual milk amount. Baby still falls asleep on her bottle. We also only do two 7oz bottles per day. Morning & bedtime 😊

Cold cows milk as a drink alongside breakfast & then Warm cows milk in a bottle at bed time & then rocked to sleep.

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