Struggling with taking newborn out

At how many weeks old did you start going out with your baby? My baby is 5 weeks old, and every time we try to go outside, she starts crying. 😢 Even if I put her in the stroller after she falls asleep, she wakes up and starts crying again. I’m afraid to go anywhere now. My partner and I have tried a few times, but we had to leave the café immediately because she started crying, and she cries quite intensely. Do you put your baby in the stroller after putting her to sleep before going out? Or do you mostly stay at home during the first months? My partner gets frustrated very quickly, and when that happens, I also get stressed. I feel so upset when she cries, and when my partner gets angry, I try to calm him down too. I don’t know what to do; I feel very tired and overwhelmed. 😞
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Have you tried babywearing? She may just prefer that, it sounds really overwhelming and I do feel for you! She also probably senses how your partner is feeling and therefore she gets more stressed etc xxx

Ah this sounds really overwhelming lovely. Has she been like this from the get go? My little one is only 5 days old but we’ve been out a lot already to try and get him used to going out (pubs, shops, cafes, etc). You may have already tried these, but to make sure he’s as comfortable/calm as possible I’ve done a long feed before we leave the house, make sure he’s dry/cleaned, etc. I second the comment above - could try a baby carrier too. Is baby warm enough/too warm maybe? As stressful as it is, I can only suggest you ride it out and keep taking her on long walks and when she’s calmer, then tackle cafes, etc. Hopefully she gets more comfortable soon! x

It sounds like she doesn’t like the pram? Have you tried her in a sling / carrier? My son hated the pram and push chair (biggest waste of money for us). He loved the sling and carrier. Please try to get out or you will go crazy. Please don’t forget that your baby’s cry is way worse for you than anyone else!

I think just keep trying until your LO gets used to all these new things. Maybe start with just going a walk near home and build it up from there? Like the girls above said maybe try baby wearing if you’re going to a cafe or something so LO feels more secure. As for your partner struggling with the crying when you’re all out it might be he’s worried about other people getting annoyed but generally no one is bothered by a little newborn baby crying it’s what babies do! Shes also only 5 weeks old you will all find your way in time it’s still so new for all three of you x

@Liv second to Liv’s comment. I wore my baby every time i went out the first few weeks. Now she’s a 4 months and we plan our outings after feeding and change of diaper.

My daughter was two days old when we went out. By stroller do you mean like a bassinet type of thing? Cause those are quite cozy in there. If you’ve tried that, then like the other said, baby wearing is always a good option!

Mine didn't like the pram and it took 9 weeks for him to start feeling content in it. Id get a toy to dangle on the pram (black and white) and start putting her down in it in the day in the house when she's happy. It wasn't until 10 weeks until he settled in it and could fall asleep from the off. If you want to go out with her in the meantime I'd try sling/ or carrier as it's easier. It will change I promise but it's just small steps. Mine hated everything from the off xx

Could you try going to a really baby friendly place so you don't need to worry about crying at all? Like an infant feeding group at a local children's centre?

It can be stressful!! I’ve been taking my baby out since 1 week old to go to doctors appt and get groceries/errands, etc. I find the Hatch rest go sound machine really helps me big time. She cries going into the car seat and calms down within a few min with the sound machine and a pacifier and she sleeps in the car (sound machine on still).. I use the sound machine when she’s in the stroller too and it’s worked like magic. If she wakes and cries I put a pacifier, only use the pacifier rarely just to soothe her or help her fall asleep.

I started taking my baby out from the very beginning and he never had a problem. I'd try taking her out when she's awake and alert and give her a toy like a stroller toy.

Try a sling!!!

I didn’t go anywhere until my son was 12 weeks old. He got his first cold too when we went to a birthday party. Everyone encouraged me to go and I was resentful and still am that I listened to people instead of trusting my gut

Loads of options here for the baby, but sadly it sounds like your partner is the source of a lot of your anxiety. He really needs to learn to manage his anger and be more supportive. Hope things improve for you

Support is everything, making sure you have people who don’t get stressed can be so helpful 🩷🩷 I’ve taken my baby out from the very beginning and I find that feeding her on demand and holding her makes it so easy to take her everywhere. We stop if we need to feed and continue when she’s a little calmer

Baby wrap is deff the way to go when they are still tiny!!! I used to be out for hours with my baby when she was a newborn and she was happy as a calm

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