Judgmental comments

My husband and my sisters keep telling me I need to stop breastfeeding and make me feel so shit and pressured to do so. I plan to stop when she’s 2 (she’s currently 19 months) but my sister said the other day that it’s embarrassing to carry on past a certain age. (she’s not a mum) I’m so annoyed by these comments - I guess I needed to rant but it’s having a negative effect on how I parent my child and I’m starting to feel embarrassed about breast feeding or telling anyone I still do 😓😓 I know I should block these comments out but does anyone else feel like this?? My husband says it because my sleep is effected but at the same time I feel like he doesn’t understand how hard it is to stop. I have no idea why my sisters who aren’t mums say it They really piss me off because they are constantly making comments about everything I do and I’m always having to defend myself 😡😡😡😡 I want to enjoy the time I have with my baby without being worried about these comments. I think it’s time for me to stop talking to them about my baby or even answer questions they have about her. I feel so upset about everything that has been thrown at me for the past 19 months
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I personally think it's weird to breastfeed after the age of 1 myself as well, but it's up to the individual. Just like I chose not to breastfeed, it is your choice how long you breastfeed for.

I'm sorry you're going through this, but 19 months is very reasonable to still be breastfeeding. The recommended age to stop is 2. I'm still breastfeeding my almost 22 months old, and he's solely breastfed (due to some issues). As long as you're comfortable breastfeeding, please do.

The WHO guidelines state 2 years old! It’s in your baby’s best interests, and in yours too from a health perspective. Ignore them ❤️ you have given your baby the best possible start in life and your sacrifices in terms of sleep, sanity and independence will be worth it xxx

Just keep at it until you and baby are ready to wean. I always thought it's weird to breastfeed past 1 year and then it was the most natural thing for myself to breastfeed until almost 2. (Day weaned at 13/14 months but kept the night feeds). Now thinking back in again, "wow, I breastfed an almost 2 year old!". 😅 Like I said, it's the most natural thing and no one's business but yours. (And yes! So hard to stop. It's baby's biggest comfort)

The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding until at least 2. It’s the most natural thing in the world and an absolute privilege to be able to do that for your child, not to mention very taxing on you and your body. In my faith it’s also recommended for 2 years as a minimum. Honestly they can get in the bin. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than or strange about it. The amount of dumb stuff I said before I became a parent makes me cringe so bad now. When you and your toddler are ready, you’ll know.

Listen to your gut! You know what’s best for you and your baby. Try not to let them persuade you to do anything you’re not ready for and don’t feel bad about it.

Omg ignore them! How disrespectful! This is internalised patriarchy, don’t let them shame you! It’s the most natural thing! Still breastfeeding our 26 month old until ready to stop! So much more to say but the baby I’m breastfeeding right now is waking up! Lol

Another vote for telling them to get in the bin 😂 I would bombard them with links to World Health Organisation guidelines + research showing health benefits for both mum & child 😝

You and your baby decide when to stop. It's super common to continue bf as an easy way to get to baby to sleep. Cause we all need sleep... Nobody but your husband needs to know whether/how much you do it, and he can keep his mouth shut unless he's ready to do a lot more childcare by himself.

Ignore them, my in laws kept making comments to me about breastfeeding my son after he turned one. I had to block it out because I wasn’t gonna let anyone dictate when I stop except myself and my son. I breastfed him for 2 years and one week before we stopped and I am forever grateful to have been able to do it for that long. Don’t let their words impact your journey

I got remarks that I choose formula instead of breastfeeding... I know moms who breastfed till their kid was almost 3.. doesn't matter what you decide as long as you are comfortable and the child is healthy and happy.

I breastfed my first until 2 years old and plan on doing the same with my second. Do what’s right for you and your baby

Hahah, thank you for the reassurance ladies!! I knew I came to the right place. They won’t understand until they become mothers themselves & I don’t know how many times I have to say that but I’m starting to sound like a broken record. I think I just felt upset as they are family! But next time I’ll tell them to mind their own business & to stop judging my choices in how I parent. Why do some people feel so entitled to have such opinions?! Anyone with these ideas can fuck off and yeah you’re right - go straight in the bin 🤣🤣🤣

Omg I’m totally shocked that your sisters are even commenting, especially being that they aren’t even moms and know NOTHING about this! Omg! Please don’t let them shame you— I know sooo many ppl still breastfeeding! I WISH I could still be breastfeeding! What you’re doing is a phenomenal accomplishment, not something to be ashamed of! Now your husband sounds like he’s just worried about your sleep, which is understandable. But if I were you I’d tell my sisters to shut their mouths until they become moms themselves. They can’t even comment on this!

Thank you @Stefanie I know what you mean, it is shocking. Maybe it’s jealousy? Because this is not the first time they’ve made comments and they make comments about everything I do. It’s so annoying, I feel like blocking them out sometimes!

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