Oh that’s so good to know @Ali ❤️ congratulations on your little girl! xxx
Yeah with my first I had no signs at all and my waters just broke in the middle of the night x
@Jade thank you! Good luck ❤️
Yes, no signs at all on Friday during the day and then contractions started at 8pm out of nowhere and he was born at 4am! Waters didn’t break until just before he was born and didn’t lose my mucus plug before contractions. I went from watching tv in my pyjamas to 6cm dilated within 3 and a half hours!
Yep! No real signs that I’d say were noticeable other than people commenting on how I had dropped. Baby came 3 weeks early, waters broke at 4am and she was born at 1pm. All very fast, out the blue and unexpected. Worth it though! Xx
thanks for this thread this has put me at ease too! feels like everyone else on here is getting signs and I’ve had nothing 🙃
Thanks so much ladies and congratulations on your beautiful babies!!
Oh yeh literally nothing, id had braxton hicks of course but no waters gone or bloody show, not even my mucus plug, went to bed on a Saturday night, started having contractions at midnight and she was born by midday the next day, totally random xx
Unfortunately I am the story you don’t want to hear as I had no signs with my first and she stayed put until I had to be induced for going too late, she was born 41+6 in the end. Clearly from other people’s stories there is absolutely hope that your LO won’t make you wait that long, but try not to pin all your hopes on it
With my third I woke at 2am no pain or anything but woke up, tried getting back to sleep then 2.10am first contraction and omg the pain there was no easing me in gently, 2.30am waters went, 2.55am I had delivered her on the toilet with just her dad with me and my dad waiting for the midwife and ambulance to arrive.
Me! I was convinced she would be late and was super comfy, had no braxton hicks or twinges at all! I had diarrhea and nausea on Friday, then labour started on Saturday, born Sunday…a day before her due date xx