I will pump on the side she doesn’t eat on. Is that still true in that case?
It could be. If your baby is feeding on your larger volume side. Your baby right now is at the height of gassy period so gain pains are normal, do bicycles and Windi might help! Your supply will catch up soon! I had blood loss during birth and it took my body very long to establish supply but I was under supply for long time before I finally get caught up at 2-3 months.
Also if LO is making smacking noises then check for ties. I took my LO to an osteo and they showed me some exercises to do with her and that stopped the smacking noises.
My LO was feeding every 90mins when i was trying to establish pumping at 8 weeks. I found what worked for me was only using one breast over night and in the morning when his feeds where more like 4-5 hours apart and then the other breast was super full and then i got a good pump out of that one and i would take whatever was left out of the other one after a feed. After about a week or two of doing this my supply increased so i could get maybe 160mls out of a pump? I was drinking about 5-6 glasses of water in the morning then to help get my supply back for the day.
Hi my understanding is if you bf then pump it is normal to get 2 oz per session because your baby already drank some. I am exclusively pumping snd when I was 1mpp I didn’t even have the amount you got without bf. Your supply really establish by week 8-12, so don’t lose heart and keep on going! Your baby may be cluster feeding and that should pass soon! They do that once in a while.