Can u clarify if your baby is 6month old?
@Winnie he's 8 months old
@Lisa nursing when I'm home. One bottle of breastmilk when I'm at work and one bottle of formula
How about bottle of pumped breast milk?
@Winnie I don't pump enough. When I pump at 10 I get 3-4 ounces. When I pump at 1pm I get MAYBE 2 ounces on a good day. Today I only got 4 ounces all together with my two pump sessions. He drinks 6 ounces every feeding.
Both of my kids self weaned from breastfeeding prior to 12 months, one at 6months and the other at 9 months. I always had a low supply so mix fed with 1-2 bottles of formula/day. Once solids were introduced, my supply dropped further and they seemed to lose interest and preferred the bottle over breast. Tbh, I’m glad they made the decision for me as it made the transition easy.
@Clare it makes it so hard for me because I wanted to decide when to be done. At least i wont have a toddler trying to breastfeed. It was my first time breastfeeding and I loved it and didn't want that bonding time to be over yet
Is your baby nursing? Or only having bottled breastmilk?