Oh my gosh do not feel like that you have appointments and they have no right to say you have too many appointments. You already have enough on and it’s awful of them To make you feel like that. The stress from them will not be good for you You go to your appointments and don’t feel like a burden. I know it’s hard but don’t worry about them worry about you and baby. Sending you a hug xxx
Have a look at/contact 'pregnant and screwed' they discuss employment rights etc they'll be able to tell you what your boss can and can't say, discrimination etc etc, good luck, fuck your boss 🫣 I ended up complaining about a few of my bosses to the union... CEO suddenly started to listen 😂
They are important appointments and something that your employer should be supportive about. I know you're stressing right now about your manager but in a few months time this will be forgotten. If work is getting too much and your bp is high can you get GP to sign you off until Mat leave starts? Your health is more important x
I second all that was said above, and I would add that you need to think of telling them about your appointments as in you are INFORMING them, not asking for permission. Write it in an email if need be, and include HR if you feel there needs to be no debate about it. Remember - this is not somebody doing you a favor. This is someone who is employing you and is expected to follow the rules. All of them. :)
Tough shit for your boss because it’s the law. Also your babies heath trumps her feeling inconvenienced. You’re informing her of these appointments, that you’re legally allowed to take, not asking for her permission. Don’t delay telling her though as she needs adequate notice. Do it via email, cc in HR too if needed, or anyone else higher up etc. It’s her job as a boss/manager to support her team and if she’s not willing to do that it’s her problem, not yours
Have a look on maternity action website, you have full rights to antenatal appointments and they can't discriminate against you in any way for that. I often feel guilty too as I only work 2 days a week and sometimes I can't change the times or days so has to be on a work day, but we shouldn't feel bad for this. Our health and family will always come first. As others have said it's a legal right. And work should be supporting you.
I have Fridays off so they expect me to get all my appointments then, but it's just not possible, I've asked! So my job is a bit different to the norm as I work as a nanny so there's no HR or anything and the parents have to move things around or find cover which I do understand can be quite annoying but their jobs are quite flexible and there's grandparents to help out too!
Ahh I see, this is slightly different then. Are you self employed/hired directly, or do you work for an agency?
They should understand that you obviously need another growth scan or there would be nothing to compare the last scan to. Try not to overthink it and just think of yourself and baby. They might seem annoyed but theyd be doing exactly the same in your position ♥️