Not accurate. They can be 10-15% out either way more so the further you are along in your pregnancy. It also depends on babies position. Apparently I was meant to be having an 11lb baby and he came out 9lb8oz. The only way anyone can know babies size in when they are weighed once they are born. I have declined growth scans this time as they cause a lot of stress and anxiety and often lead to uneccesary intervention. X
weight is not a measurement but calculation/approximation made using head & belly circumference and femur length. if individual measurements are ok and mostly following a percentile line thats fine.
My son jumped in weight when I was pregnant I went from measuring around the 60th mark to 99th with just belly measurements, has growth scans too because I'm really short and they were worried about how body was coping and his scans were the same, massive jump. I went into labour at 36 +4 days and he was born 7.14, so born on the 99th percentile and was what they call large for gestational age, I had the diabetes tests and all came back negative, sometimes it just happens, pregnant with my second and they're keeping a closer eye on me and baby this time and I'm having more regular bloods just incase something was missed with my first but I honestly just thing I have big baby's, this little madam is appearing to be similar to her brother as my belly is noticeably getting larger quickly so I've got growth scans booked in x